para typhoid fever type A

英 美
  • 甲型副伤寒
  • a art.一(个);每一(个);任一(个)n.英语字母表的第一个字母;学业成绩得优者;表示“最好”的符号
  • fever n.狂热;发烧;发热v.(使)发烧;(使)狂热
  • para n.帕拉(南斯拉夫币);帕拉胶abbr.伞兵(=paratrooper)abbr.段(=paragraph)
  • type n.类型;典型;铅字v.打字
  • typhoid n.伤寒
    1. Conclusion The ultrasonic image features of abdomen can help to give early diagnosis of paratyphoid fever A.
    2. Results The poison was caused from Type B paratyphoid salmonella bacillus of the pig meat.